See also Controls and actions for detailed coverage of the controls. Check out the Beginner's guide for some tips on how to start playing. Ravage is very difficult and it can often be hard to get going. It is set 28 years after the outbreak and is task-based, rather than open-ended survival. Another demonstration mission is now included with Ravage. Click here to read a guide covering that. If you don't have that available to you, then you can enable it manually by moving a file. It can be enabled from the launcher through use of sub-mod options. You must own the Apex DLC for ArmA 3 to be able to play the Tanoa mission. Since 0.1.37, there is also a Tanoa mission included. The first is set on Altis and is based on open ended survival. How to install Ravage (0.1.36) on ArmA 3 Included missions Here's a video showing the installation process: Tales from Nowhere is a selection of experimental Ravage missions by Haleks. Single Player Missions Multiplayer Missions Gunter Severloh has compiled lists of single and multi-player missions to make it easy for you to find them. There are lots of Ravage missions available. Or click here for the CBA page on the Steam Workshop. Click here to go to the CBA page on Armaholic. You will not be able to save and load without it. So head on over to the Ravage YouTube channel and gorge yourself on the hundreds of videos available. There are how-to videos, mini-episodes, full playthroughs and a lot more. It's a well-organised and catalogued collection of every video, so you can sit down and binge on Ravage gameplay. Gunter Severloh maintains the Ravage YouTube channel where you can see every video made that features Ravage. Consider that Haleks is the sole author of Ravage and has been working on this in his free time for quite a while.

It doesn't have to be much - the price of a cup of coffee would be greatly appreciated. If you enjoy it, consider making a donation to Haleks through PayPal. There are many other missions created using Ravage, many of which can be found on the Steam Workshop . It comes with sample missions set on Altis and Tanoa, but has been developed to make it easy to use almost any map (requires the use of the editor).

Click the image to be taken to the SW page. Latest Ravage update Sunday the 10th of October 2021.