
Hoi4 best naval doctrine
Hoi4 best naval doctrine

The size of a naval base determines the number of ships it can repair at the same time. So best escort DD is early hull, early turret, early engine and that's all. The choice of words in the defines is a bit imprecise. Welcome to the latest in a series of posts looking at minor countries in the game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Entertainment. However they fleet at the first sight of DC, so they aren't worth it in a strike force. Sortie efficiency typically starts at 50% meaning that only half of your carrier planes may fly at the same time. Naval invasions require time to prepare before they may be executed. It won't matter anymore in 1.6.1 as task forces will split. Escort efficiency: it dictates how efficient your screening ships are at escorting your convoys. Unless they throw a strike force at you, you don't need more really. they flee at the first sight of DC, so aren't worth it in a strike force. In this case, you can assign a task force to as many areas as you want without losing any efficiency. The basic unit of naval forces is predictably the ship. Not really efficient in SP in naval battles. As subs have no carriers so are super vulnerable to a carrier. Here comes the important part: the AI do not abuse this system yet, so by maxing out a single BB with highest piercing and highest armor, you can make it murder any AI capital ship, while risking very little, which means SHBB are useless for players (and AI doesn't use them). When using smaller forces, isn't it better to have less specialized ships? Meh. Next Doctrines Naval Prev Diplomacy and research Technologies. My pet theory is that super fast CLs loaded with radar and torpedos and a depth charge slot can be effective against everything, but so far in SP I've barely had any major naval engagements, even against U.S. So you just need ships with guns, no need for a new design for that. Does this mean that I can fill the carrier with 1.35*deck space and still have all my planes performing each mission? I would like to add battleships absorb heavy guns for your cruisers. Trade Interdiction give the best submarine and convoy raiding capability by far. Arise children of the Fatherland! So in theory they are very effective against ships having high level fire control systems and submarines. Now if you have specialized AA ships, ok, they may lose.

Hoi4 best naval doctrine